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Shipping policy
Customer can ship hard drive direct to our facility at 624 Shasta Street, Yuba City, CA 95991.
Most mail facilities have the correct box and shipping method.
Up & Running Computer Center will return shipment using priority.

Payment Methods
 If you are interested in purchasing our services discribed on this site, you may do so by calling or email info@upandrunningcomputer.com. We accept Mastercard, Visa, Discover, and American Express.
You may also call 1-800-339-2983  or 530-671-7595 to make an order over the phone. If you use a credit card, your order will be processed immediately. If you pay by personal check, your order will process 5 business days after we receive your check.

Privacy Policy
Contact information including email address, telephone number, address, etc. which is provided by the user is used solely for the purpose of completing the order. This includes information pertaining to gift recipients. Financial information including credit card numbers, expiration dates, billing address is used solely to bill the customer for their order. We do not rent, sell, or share your information with a third party. Please check back from time to time as it can be subject to change. Effective date 02/12/09.
Up & Running Computer Center is not responsible for hard drive content, and will recover information on a best effort bassis.